It had been a while since I last had a dream I remembered. It had been considerably longer since I had had a vivid erotic dream that almost pushed me over the edge. Worse, I was not in bed when I had the dream but on the train and surrounded by people. At least I did not moan out loud. At least I do not think I did.
Despite having my head resting against a pane of glass, I was back in my bed, and I was not alone. It was a wonderfully warm feeling knowing you were sleeping next to me, but like most dreams, things were more fluid than in real life and while you may have started out by sleeping next to me, you were braced and secured against the footboard (an antique brass thing with lots of rods, that I do not own), your pussy over my mouth and my tongue teasing your clit and lips. While you could have moved off of me with ease, if you could have got free of my hands holding your hips or occasionally pinching your nipples, your chose to stay where you were, and me eat you, which was quite fun.
I am going to assume you had an orgasm because I was behind you, sliding my hard cock deep inside of you and feeling you clutch and draw it deeper into you. You panted and pushed and moaned and the harder I drilled you the louder you became.
Sadly a bump woke me. I was hard; I had oozed a fair amount, and, as I said, I was surrounded by a number of people, so I could do very little other than shift in my seat and try to relieve the pressure. And try not to think about you tied up to ancient brass bed.